
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ebony Arose

Ebony Arose


Vicky J. Siegrist

This book has a lot that life has: ups/downs, happiness/sadness, and it’s also good against evil.

Ebony knows nothing of how things are until she’s forced to leave the only home she’s ever known. Up until then, she has been unloved and beaten her whole life. Her life does a total turn-around when she meets up with Mary and Ben.

When Nicholas betrayed Ebony at their wedding when her ‘father’ appeared and told his lies, I was furious. However, at the end, he did redeem himself.

“Ebony Arose” is published by the Dorrance Publishing Co, Inc.

The book can be found, on their website:

Now for the statement as required:

I received a complimentary copy of (Ebony Arose) as a member of the

Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit

to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.